Calming the Pre-Interview Nerves

Saturday, 17 April 2010

A fellow member of the Candidates Chair LinkedIn group and friend, Lisa Yoon, called me about an article she was writing on this topic and asked what I did in the hour before an interview.

Good or bad, I’ve had a fair amount of practice at this. I kept it to three things to build my confidence.

First, I ignored any thoughts of what I did not know. Just like cramming for a test in school, if you don’t know an hour beforehand, you will not learn it adequately in an hour.

Second, I wrote down the top 3 messages/themes I wanted to deliver. I find that most people recall 2-3 things following an interview. So make your know the most important ones to deliver a few times.

Third, I selected the five questions I felt were most likely to be asked. Then I practiced the answer aloud five times to help me sound more natural and comfortable that I worked my top messages/themes. This was my mantra, with each repeat of the answer, I felt more confident and relaxed.

Confidence in yourself cannot be underestimated when it comes to settling your nerves. If I’ve learned one thing, it’s often as important on ‘how’ you deliver the message, not just its content, that leaves a lasting impression.

Good luck this upcoming week.

With two transitions and running a job transition group under my belt, I have put my tools and advice on - the site is all written from a Candidate's viewpoint.




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