Never Justify "Just" Networking

Monday 28 June 2010

Before my networking meetings, my wife usually asks me “Why are you meeting them?” You should be asking yourself that same question. In fact, you should have a three part answer.

ONE: How can you build a relationship with the person

TWO: How do they move you closer to a hiring manager or help you prep for an interview

THREE: What commitment(s) are you seeking from them (contact names, an introduction, advice, insight into a company, etc.)

If you don’t’ have a compelling answer, then seriously reconsider rescheduling the meeting until you can. My advice is to never justify networking for networking’s sake. Justify it because of what you can achieve from the meeting.

Why? Here are three reasons to reschedule if you are not ready.

ONE: The person did not agree to meet you, they agree to help you.

TWO: You are one of many people this person is meeting, so you only get one chance to impress

THREE: The best time ask for help is during the meeting, not in a follow-up e-mail.

In the midst of networking, especially after several months, it is easy to fall into a routine and treat each meeting the same. I can vouch for this with personal experience from both sides of the table.

So always remember to ask and answer “Why are you meeting them?” – it’s a great start to make sure you have a great meeting.

Good luck today!

Mark Richards – Tools and Advice from a Candidate’s viewpoint to help get past job search roadblocks and keep your spirit strong. Please take a visit. Share ('DiggThis’)


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