Job Applications – Done a bit differently

Thursday 27 August 2009

With the current economic climate – yes, that one again! – more and more people find themselves on the hunt for a new job. Some are more qualified than others, some have more experience than others. But thinking about the tsunami of job applications MDs, CEOs and HRs are flooded with the question remains:

How do you separate yourself from all the other applicants?

Surely, there will always be someone with just a little bit more experience, someone with just a little bit better references. So how can you make your application stand out?

The trick is, be creative! Try something daring and different from the standard black and white CV in .doc or .pdf and the classic cover letter.

The video below is an example of what I find to be definitely different and especially daring:

Judge for yourself, but I found it to be very entertaining and actually made my chuckle quite a lot. Unfortunately, as the title suggests, he didn’t get the job. But that might have had something to do with the complete lack of experience. Hey, but even without the experience and the job, he still already has over 16,000 views on YouTube!

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