Job Search on Web 2.0 - Can Facebook Apps help?

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

With the average time on Facebook increasing by almost 700% from 2008 to 2009 the question arises what the social platform and all its applications can do for the increasing amount of job searchers out there.

Rather than getting involved in long and time consuming research I wanted to know what a simple search for ‘job’ or ‘jobs’ would come up with. Some of the – unexpectedly few – results I tried out myself.

insideJob - Get the inside scoop on the organisation you are applying for.

insideJob is an application that can be used by job searchers and employers. It aims to connect those people looking for a job at a certain organisation or company with people who already work in that job at that company.

Let’s say you want to work as a developer at Google. With this application you will be able to get in touch with someone who already works as a developer at Google and might have some good tips or even helpful connections for you.

For employers it offers the possibility to post jobs, search for talented individuals on Facebook and let their employees be ambassadors for their own organisation.

These services are currently still available for free, which will undoubtedly change once insideJob has reached a certain amount of active users. Albeit, with 2,365 active users per month, this is definitely one of the more popular applications we have come across.

Job Openings

When adding and accessing this application I get welcomed by this very minimalistic page:

Clearly the next step from here would be to set up my RSS section or start ‘monitoring job openings’. However, the only links I can click are ‘Share with friends’ which let’s my invite more friends to use this application or ‘Home’ which leads my right back to this page.

So if anyone can figure out the point behind this please let me know.

Head Hunting [Jobs] – Post a Job, Find a Job

In a classic manner, this application allows you to post jobs, browse job listings, search for specific jobs and keep track of the jobs you are interested in. With 107 active users per month and a current total of 18 job posts it’s apparent that this is a rather new application and even though it might not win a Nobel Price this application has all the necessary elements and usability and looks like a candidate worth to keep track of.

This blog post was brought to you by 77Academy. To find out more about our exclusive ten week new media marketing training and placement programme go to - Jobs Fed Into Your Life


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