To data dump or not to data dump

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

To data dump or not to data dump – that is the question. My answer is ‘Not until it’s asked for’.

There is always a temptation to pack as much information into an e-mail, resume, biography, or answer so the person on the other end gets the ‘full picture’ of who you are. You are also worried about time – it always seems best to jam in what you can.

I find that after three major points, most people don’t hear or read much more, they are still processing the initial three points – so the rest is blather. I’ve confirmed this theory with blank stares I’ve received.

So let the information build: Think of your e-mails, resume, marketing plan, etc. as a commercial. Give them enough to get interested to ask for more detail.

A decent commercial gives you what need the product fulfills and a couple unique points – that’s it. Do the same for yourself.

Your networking contact will guide where they want more information – so let it them seek it out. You will be amazed at how much information you will convey and how much they will remember.

Always start with what commitment you seek from the person with whom you network (provide a referral, etc.). Give them enough to be interested, through their questions they will decide if they make the commitment.

Good luck today!

Mark Richards
Advice and tools from a candidate’s perspective - Jobs Fed Into Your Life


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