TwitJobs is always about helping people see the right information, at the right time - the choice they have after that is up to them.
You can choose to share the information, apply for yourselves, write a blog about it, tell your friends, email your boss you need a pay rise! - anything you like!
The powerful part is channelling this information into your life. By subscribing to our updates you have live real time access to TwitJobs - our blog, the jobs we post and the technology we are innovating to make finding a job easier - they come to you!
Sure, email updates aren't a new thing, they've been around for many many years, but how often are you checking your email? Twice, Three times per day? How often in comparison are you spending on sites like facebook, twitter, friendfeed etc? Social networks have already overtaken email as far as usage reports go..
So how innovative is our service?
We have a lot of firsts...
One of the first companies to monetise successfully on twitter.
The first targeted social network job broadcaster (with a voice!)
One of the first business profiles to achieve 50,000 followers on twitter in 6 months. (Even the moonfruit campaign didn't achieve that!)
The first usage of social media in broadcasting and engagement - multi-platform for jobseekers.
The first job site in the UK to utilise facebook for online job application submissions.
Online advertising continues to grow - whilst print, tv, outdoor and others continue to fall, especially in this current economy - even whilst there are signs of recovery, companies that are being seen to be innovative are obviously more attractive as potential employers too.
TwitJobs continues to work with some of the most forward thinking businesses around today - the kinds that understand that social media is far too powerful to ignore, and that our site allows them to communicate with a whole new audience that was and is unavailable to get in touch with anywhere else!
TwitJobs offers the advertisers the platform to be at the cutting edge of online social media, getting in front of people first and allowing them to share with their friends and followers all over the world, in realtime. Check out for our latest worldwide areas, more are opening all the time!
Jason Barrett
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