What Makes Someone a Job Search Expert?

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Lisa Yoon, who writes for CIOZone, and I had an interesting conversation about our respective blogs and what qualifies someone as a ‘job search’ expert. So we agreed post on our qualifications for writing about job search and our view of ‘experts’.

Writing on job search – My qualifications:
I’m not an expert in the field; I’m an expert of being in the field. I lived the ups and downs of two job transitions and have shared the experiences of fellow candidates through the job transition group I have run since April 2007.

I try to write about what I sought most during my search: Advice to overcome roadblocks and how to keep a strong sense of hope.

Who is an expert? – My view:
When I was a job candidate, my experts were former and current candidates. Why?

Because they had fullest view of a job search experience: Emotions of losing a job, living without a paycheck, learning to pitch themselves and building a network. Within that experience, it was the trial-and-error of search techniques and managing their spirits that was hard-earned insight that was pure gold.

I did seek other experts for guidance on a specific slice/viewpoint to round out my knowledge of the job search process: Great networkers, executive coaches, corporate HR, hiring managers, and recruiters.

I’ll admit that often you see these individuals listed as ‘job experts’ due to their link to the search process. But I found once I left their area of expertise, their advice was based on exposure, not experience. I’ve joked with a friend, who is a recruiter, that it’s a bit like asking a happily married divorce lawyer what it’s like to be divorced. Exposure, not experience.

My view of an expert: Someone who is smart enough to bring together all of the views of a job search.

When you read my blog, it’s the view of a candidate. Just so you know what you are getting!

Good luck today!

Mark Richards
Job Search from a Candidate's Perspective - Advice and tools for search organization and networking

Candidates Chair LinkedIn Group:

http://TwitJobs.co.uk - Jobs Fed Into Your Life


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